Fiona Buchanan
Lives & works in Western Australia
I trained in theatre arts as a scenic artist and designer. This taught me that nothing is impossible with paint, that incredible illusions can be created simply by applying liquid colour. I definitely have a love affair with paint that is ongoing and I enjoy trying to put my emotion and attitude to the earths beauty into the medium. My work is about the environment and its balance. I would save the earth if I could.
I take and use my own reference photos and love visiting the places that I paint. I am always searching for just the right colour, the one that flashes only for a moment as the light shines into the water.
I work in oils, acrylic and pastel. Each of these media has its own beauty and expresses the subject in a different way.
My work advocates for the environment at all times.I have always had a green heart and I try to have as little impact on the environment as I can while celebrating its diversity and wonder.'
2021 Students Choice Award
Vasse Art Award
Artists of Perth November 2017
Premium Publishers
Australian Artist Magazine March 2017
First prize in the Seascapes Rivers and Lakes Challenge
2011 Finalist in the Black Swan Prize for Portraiture Perth WA
2010 Best local scene Dunsborough Lions Art Award
2009 Exhibited in the South Western Times Survey BRAG
2008 Exhibited in the South Western Times Survey BRAG Extras

Painting at The Ivy 1989
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